This is a guide to create a blog site using Hugo and Github Pages. Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. It is very fast and easy to use. Github Pages is a static site hosting service provided by Github. It is free and easy to use. You can use your own domain name with Github Pages.
The theme I am using is ananke
I am also using VS Code as my code editor.
The tutorials I am following are:
- Hugo Quick Start
- Host on Github
- Creating a Free Blog or Static Content Website with Hugo and GitHub Pages with Custom Domain and Ads
While I am typing the process, I have GitHub Copilot running in the background. It is a very interesting experience. I am simply following the prompts and see what it generates. I am not sure if I will use the generated code, but it is a good way to learn.
This is also based on macOS. If you are using other operating systems, please refer to the official documentations.
Initial setup process
install Hugo
brew install hugo
Create a new site
Create the directory structure for my project in the my-hugo-site
hugo new site my-hugo-site
Initialize git repository
cd my-hugo-site
git init
Add a theme
Clone the Ananke theme into the themes directory, adding it to my project as a Git submodule.
git submodule add themes/ananke
The theme I am using is ananke which is a very simple theme. I don’t know much Hugo themes, so I am using this one for now. Once I get more familiar with Hugo, I will try other themes.
Add theme to config.toml
echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml
run Hugo server
hugo server -D
View your site at the URL displayed in your terminal. Press Ctrl + C
to stop Hugo’s development server.
Create a new post
Creating my first post.
hugo new posts/
Setup Github Repository
Create a new repository
create a new repo in Github. I am naming it my-hugo-site
run the following commands
git commit -m "my first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
Adding new files to git
git add .
git commit -m "my second commit"
git push -u origin main
Adding .gitignore file
Go to and create a .gitignore
file for Hugo.
Deploy to Github Pages
How to deploy to Github Pages is documented in Host on Github.
I am using Github actions to deploy to github pages.
Custom domain
How to apply custom domain is documented in Custom Domains.
Working with Hugo themes
- How to change to a new theme
- Choosing a theme
- applying a theme
- making changes to a theme
- working with the theme’s config.toml
Changing to a new theme
git submodule deinit themes/ananke
git rm themes/ananke
git submodule add
Choosing a theme
Themes I am considering:
What else can I do?
- Changing to a new theme
- Adding a menu
- Adding a page
- Adding tags to my posts
- Learn Hugo shortcodes to insert multimedia content